
Userful publications on the digital commons world.

Open Future Foundation

Policies for the Digital Commons

As input for the digital policy agenda for the second part of Europe’s Digital Decade, Open Future developed seven suggestions for policy interventions in support of the Digital Commons.

Commons Network, Open Future Foundation for NGI Forward

Generative Interoperability: Building Public and Civic Spaces Online

The report “Generative Interoperability: Building public and civic spaces online” co-authored with Commons Network, proposes to treat interoperability as a policy principle that supports the creation of new public-civic digital spaces. Supported by Next Generation Internet.

Open Future Foundation

Digital Public Space Primer – Investing in public digital infrastructures to secure digital rights

The purpose of this primer is to explain the concept of digital public spaces as a central tenet of European digital policies. It shows why digital public spaces are a necessity for the full realization of digital rights and how the European Union should support digital public spaces by investing in public digital infrastructure.

Open Future Foundation

European Public Digital Infrastructure Fund White Paper

This white paper identifies the need for a European Public Digital Infrastructure Fund as an instrument for building out Digital Public Spaces in Europe.

Report of the European Working Group on Digital Commons Future Foundation

Towards a Sovereign Digital Infrastructure of Commons

This report outlines a strategy for the strengthening of Digital Commons to support Europe’s digital sovereignty.

NESTA for NGI Forward

Towards Public Digital Infrastructure: a Proposed Governance Model

This paper aims to set out a new framework to redistribute power over the internet by building a more vibrant, diverse and resilient ecosystem of trustworthy open solutions on top of shared set of rules and open protocols and standards. Supported by Next Generation Internet.